
This site hosts a variety of things in which I am involved. It is broken down into an area for some of my recent publications, an area describing some of software development projects – mostly open source and/or freeware – that I’ve been involved with. Please select from one of the links below:


Freeware: Windows CleanUp! Utility

  • Protects your privacy and frees up disk space.

Security: Private Eye

  • Protected Storage viewer/editor.
  • See what personal information is hidden on your computer.

Security: Index Dat Spy

  • Viewer for Windows and Internet Explorer’s index.dat files.
  • See what personal information is hidden in these files, even after you’ve cleared your history and emptied your browser cache.

Open Source: OpenForecast

  • General purpose forecasting library.
  • Open Source, written in Java.


Writings & Publications

A sample of some of my more recent publications.

Other Steven Goulds

Occasionally people come across my web site while looking for some other Steven/Steve/Stephen Gould. If you fall into this category, then you might find one of these links helpful: