Free disk space, make your computer run better/faster and protect your privacy – all in one easy solution. All for free!
Introducing Windows CleanUp!, the quickest and easiest way to delete temporary files from your system.
CleanUp! is a powerful and easy-to-use application that removes temporary files created while surfing the web, empties the Recycle Bin, deletes files from your temporary folders and more.
CleanUp! frees disk space and reduces the “clutter” on your computer helping it to run more efficiently. It also can be used as a way to protect your privacy on the Internet. You can even instruct CleanUp! to securely delete files making it impossible to retrieve their contents using lower-level disk tools – just another way of protecting your privacy.
No gimmicks here, CleanUp! is so easy to set up and use that you’ll have a lean, clean, mean machine in minutes.
Thanks for trying CleanUp!
Steven R. Gould
– Author of Windows CleanUp!
Features and benefits
Covers your tracks on the Internet. CleanUp! deletes traces of you Internet activity that get stored on your hard disk. These things include:
- Browser cache
- Browser History
- Cookies
- Bookmarks and Favorites. Deletion of these is optional and disabled by default.
Supports all popular browsers. CleanUp! provides full support for the most popular browsers used under Windows: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator/Communicator, Mozilla, Firefox and Opera.
Supports all popular newsreaders. Newsreaders including Microsoft Internet Mail and News, Outlook and Outlook Express, Netscape Communicator and Operas newsreader are all supported. CleanUp! optionally empties the newsgroup caches for each of these and can, also optionally, remove all subscriptions to newsgroups.
Removes Windows files tracking your use of the computer. This incFeatures and benefitsludes things such as removing “MRU lists” (storing a list of your Most Recently Used files) for various applications, emptying the Recent Documents folder, deleting entries from the Run and Find Computer dialogs, emptying Recycle Bins, emptying temporary folders, removing some unneeded registry entries, optionally resetting the high scores for Windows games, and more.
Supports other applications too. Almost all Windows applications store information on your hard disk about your use of the program – even if this is as minor as an MRU list. CleanUp! includes support for a variety of commonly used Windows applications.
Runs on 32-bit Windows. The same version of CleanUp! runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows XP Home, and Windows XP Professional.
Future proofed. What does this mean? By supporting user-defined (i.e. custom) directories and file specifications, CleanUp! 3.0 (and later) will be able to handle cleaning up of temporary files created by newer browsers and Windows applications.
Secure file deletion. You can optionally choose to “Wipe Clean” files as they are deleted. This takes a little longer but instructs CleanUp! to overwrite the files several times before deleting them. This makes it almost impossible to recover those files from the hard disk using even the most advanced data recovery techniques, ensuring you the greatest degree of privacy.
Free. That’s right, you can keep on using this program and it won’t expire. You are offered the chance to register your support for CleanUp! and pay a price you think it is worth. Think of this payment as a tip – so please contribute something. This payment will help with the continued development of CleanUp! and allow me to make a living. This payment can be as low as $5 or as high as you wish. If you find CleanUp! useful and continue to use it, please register.
Fast. Remove hundreds, even thousands of files and free up many megabytes, and sometimes gigabytes of disk space all in a matter of minutes.
Simplicity. A clean, simple interface – designed for novices, with an Options dialog allowing some flexibility for more experienced users.
Privacy information. There is no spy-ware contained in this program. We do not monitor your actions or e-mail. When you register this program, we will not give your e-mail address or personal details to anyone.
This program is so easy to use, you’ll be cleaning up your hard drive and protecting your privacy all in a matter of minutes!
User comments about CleanUp!
“What a lifesaver! If only you made a program that could also clean up my house as effectively and painlessly as this one does on my computer! Thanks!” – MG, Oct. 6, 2006
“I can’t figure out why the amount of stuff CleanUp! is finding has increased soooo much. All I can say is wow. I feel sorry for the folks that don’t know they have to clean up at all even the old fashioned way. Thanks loads.” – CAS, Sep. 18, 2006
“Steven, This is a phenominal product, and I am happy to donate what I can. Keep up the excellent work, and thank you for keeping my family clean and organized !” – BL, Jul. 21, 2006
” Dear Mr. Gould, Sir. I want to personally thank you for a wonderful product that you have made free to the world over all these years. Your product is exceptional and I would like to thank you for your time in the creation of CleanUp! Please consider going commercial so that annual service charges can be made. I would not hesitate to contribute to your product on a yearly basis. Thank you again for your Engineering Excellence!” – BT, Jul. 14, 2006
“Loved this product so much that we have downloaded to our main pc as well as my notebook…I would recommend this to any one with annoying problems on their PC where Windows is the operating system! Even the dreaded ‘Windows 2000’ was sorted out successfully. Many thanks !!Well done Steven!” – LR, Jun. 14, 2006
“After these many years, I feel compelled to write you this note. For over 20 years now, I have been an IT professional in charge of many networks and have maintained personal computers for countless fiends and customers. Of all the tools in my bag of tricks has always been a little 330K program called CleanUp!
For many years now, when friends and customers have asked me what the most important thing that they should do to keep running at top shape, I tell them that the only thing they have to do is to run CleanUp! every Friday at the end of their work week. They mostly do this weekly ritual.
In fact, I am in charge of a very large radio station group here in Pittsburgh. And in their sales office, they have a little end of week ritual there they hit CleanUp! at exactly 5:30 on Fridays on every one of 146 workstations with the volume turned up to the max. The sound of the toilet can be heard through the entire building. That is the audible signal to all to go home and enjoy the weekend!
Long story short… This is just a note to compliment you on your beautifully written and completely flawless program.” – RM, Apr. 24, 2006
“Thank you for the use of CleanUp! It worked great. The folks at spywarewarrior directed me to your site and instructed me on the use of your application. It worked great!” – Dana W., Mar. 14, 2006
“Love the program. I work at the computer support center at the college I’m attending and using this constantly saves me time and increases my productivity. Instead of having to manually go through all the folders and find every single specific temp. file on some incredibly messy computers I can just run this now. Makes it a lot easier to work on more than one computer too. Great, great program, ingenius.” – Kevin R., Jan. 23, 2006
“Those that already perform the numerous, daily tasks of deleteing temp. files/folders; clearing the recycle bin; deleting cookies, etc. …will find this one-click program amazing in it’s simplicity of operation. That it is FREE is confusing, as the author could charge and receive three times that amount!!” – mevicki, Sep. 18, 2005
“Thank you again for such a great product. I’ve tested [CleanUp!] 3.1 beta every way from Sunday using XP-Home and it runs without problems for me. I’m using the new autorun feature to run the program in quiet mode at startup; nice touch.” – Robert W., July 1, 2003
“A wonderful program and it just got better!!!!!!!!!!!!” – Don M., June 28, 2003 following the release of CleanUp! 3.1.
“Great utility! Much better than Norton CleanSweep which is either account-specific or just doesn’t catch everything (haven’t taken the time to determine which). CleanUp! erased the whole family’s garbage from my computer, freeing 800MB! Some of that garbage had to be a drag on performance because the computer is faster than it’s ever been.” – Gary F., February 5, 2003
“It is the best program I’ve ever installed on my PC!!” – DJ, January 16, 2003
“I just loaded and ran this thing and it got rid of nearly nine thousand files and freed up 161 MB. Amazing to me since I clear my cache, cookies, and history at least every couple of days. I always wondered why when I search for various files I’d always find so many temp files in there, and I still don’t understand it, but it’s great to get rid of the suckers.” – Mary, Technical Support Alliance (Yahoo!), December 31, 2002
“I installed and ran CleanUp! 3.0 on 3 different Win-based PCs here, all of which have Window Washer installed. The program installed flawlessly and was, [in my opinion], exceptionally fast. No conflict problems, no anomalies.
Wow, somebody (Mr. Gould) actually knows how to write a program that does what it’s supposed to! Maybe he should be the new president of Microsoft? ;;;-)))
” – Jas, Technical Support Alliance (Yahoo!), December 30, 2002
“I am very impressed with [CleanUp! 3.0]. It sped up mine and my wifes computer about 75%. This is a great product.”, Jess, December 27, 2002
You can download CleanUp! from this site (approx. 332 kb in size).
So download CleanUp! now and reap the benefits of a clean machine.