Download and Installation

Installation Instructions

Before installing CleanUp!, please take the time to read the following:

  • Please make a backup of your hard disk before running CleanUp! for the first time.
    While every attempt has been made to ensure that CleanUp! is bug-free, due to the number of different hardware and software configurations around today, it is impossible to guarantee that it will perform error-free on your particular system. As a result, it is strongly recommended that you make a backup of all important files before running CleanUp! for the first time, or before trying an upgraded version of CleanUp!.
  • If you have never before used CleanUp!, then please take the time to read the “Introduction to CleanUp!” section of the Help file. This describes in detail what files and settings are “cleaned” when you run CleanUp!. Be sure that nothing here conflicts with your use of your computer.
    For example, CleanUp! attempts to delete files from various temporary directories (including download directories/caches), as well as emptying the Recycle Bins. If you make a habit of saving files that you wish to keep in any of these places, then note that they will be deleted when CleanUp! is run. Note that it is generally considered poor practice to use temporary folders or the Recycle Bin to store files you intend to keep.
  • If you are upgrading from an earlier version of CleanUp!, read the “What’s New” section of the Help file to see what new features have been added.
  • Remember, there is NO WARRANTY with this software.

Having read and checked the above, you can install CleanUp! as follows:

  1. From the following list of download files and locations, select the newest version for your Operating System and click on the link to download. When prompted to save or open the file, choose to open the file from its current location. (Alternatively, you can save it to disk then run the program later.)
  2. The installation program will walk you through the rest of the installation.

Once setup is complete you will be able to run CleanUp! from the icon placed under your Start menu.

Note that since CleanUp! is freeware, you can copy any of the files downloaded from above and pass them along to your friends and colleagues (see license for details). The files even fit on a single 3.5″ (1.44MB) floppy disk if you still use those!

CleanUp! 4.5.2 Downloads

The latest version of CleanUp!, version 4.5.2 is a minor update over version 4.0.

Note that if you are going to run CleanUp! 4.5.2 without first making a backup of your system, then it is strongly recommended that you first run it in the new demo mode and verify the files that would be deleted before you first run it for real.

File size: 339,257 bytes (332K).

Available from:

If you experience problems downloading CleanUp!, then please refer to the FAQ regarding download problems.