
All publications are copyright of their respective publisher.


  • Whole House Distributed HDTV: The various ways to distribute analog, standard definition television around the home are well established. However few, if any of these can be extended to distributing HDTV (High-Definition Television) around the home. In this article we present one way of doing just that. And all without having to run expensive, dedicated component video, digital audio and/or HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cables to every room. (June/July 2008)

IBM developerWorks

  • Web Architecture Zone
    • Writing efficient PHP: Already understand PHP? Now, you can learn to write more efficient PHP code or improve the performance of existing PHP applications. (July 2002)
  • Java Zone
    • Introduction to J2ME: An introduction to the Java 2 Micro Edition, including coverage of MIDP and KJava. Co-written with Shari L. Jones (June 2001)



ITWorld / UnixInsider – formerly SunWorld

XML Journal

  • Technical resource for the two part series by Shari L. Jones. Part 1 titled, An Introduction to JDOM, XML Journal, Vol. 2, No. 7, (July 2001). Part 2 titled, Using JDOM, appeared in the August 2001 issue.

Java Developers Journal

Windows 2000 Advantage – formerly Windows NT Advantage

MCP Magazine